Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Golf Themed Cake

This is a Golf themed Cake I did for my Dads Surprise 60th Birthday Party. I knew once his wife asked me to do his cake for him that it was going to be golf themed..ever since I was little thats what he loved to do play golf. So when planning and figuring out what kind I wanted to do it, of course I had to do it in his favorite flavor..Angel Food! My dad is not a cake person but his sweet of choice is Angel Food Cake with Chocolate Sauce. So I wondered..how am I going to make a tiered birthday cake out of Angel Food..you would think it would be too light and spongy to hold any weight of either another cake or buttercream. So I did some research and found this Amazing recipe called a Heaven and Hell Cake..Angel food and Devils Food Cake..i thought PERFECT!!! The original receipe called for a Peanut Butter Moouse filling in the middle but I wanted to incoporate the chocolate sauce into it for him. So I alternated the Angel Food and Devils Food filling it with Chocolate Ganache and a Strawberry filling.
I had alot of fun decorating his cake :) I know I wanted to incoporate everything Golf that I could..so the bottom tier is blue and has golf clubs with golf balls in the middle. The second tier (not too pleased with but it worked lol) I attemped to do a plaid pattern with alternating blues and greens and the top I wanted to make it like a putting green so i piped grass along the side and then made the hole with the golf ball and the little pond. Overall I was very please with myself and Im pretty sure he loved it as well :)
The reviews I got from the party were crazy hahah they kept asking my fathers wife where she got the cake from (like an actual bakery) and everyone was so impressed that I made it and how good it tasted. Even my Dad.,,man of very few words..was very please and impressed with it. I think that meant more to me that everyone elses review :)
And yes it does say on the bottom "Happy Birthday Old Fart!!" hahahah Enjoy :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Disney Cars Theme Birthday Cake

This is the first ever tiered cake that I did. My son Joey was turning two and I knew I wanted to do something special for his birthday. He loved and still loves the Disney movie Cars...so obviously i knew that was going to be the theme. So I researched different cake ideas and flavors for what I wanted to do and I can up with this idea.
The flavor of the cake was a basic Vanilla Cake then the filling was homemade Vanilla pudding with Fresh Strawberries. I made the buttercream and the homemade MM Fondant for the decorations. My husband was a huge help with the decorations and cutting fondant for me :)
I was nervous and scared yet soo excited to be able to do this for my son. I had soo much fun making it!! :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcome to My World :)

My name is Caitlin. Im a mom of 3 beautiful babies, a wife and an amazing husband and a baker.
My main job in this world right now is taking care of my three precious angels..Michaela, Joey and Ava.
My oldest Michaela is 5, shes goes to pre-school and is such a wonderful kid! She loves to color, play dress-up and she is one amazing big sister to her little brother and sister! Im beam with pride when I watch her and so happy because shes one amazing little girl :)
My middle is Joey. He is 2 and is my crazy child. Never did I ever think I would have such a high-spirited child since Michaela was a very easy and amazing baby. Joey loves to climb, jump and get into everything. Hes a typical boy haha
Then theres my 3rd Ava Jean. She is 9 mths old and is just like how Michaela was when she was a baby..calm, relaxed and goes with the flow, thank goodness hahah
Never did I ever think I would have 3 children in my life but Im so thankful and happy that I have them..they are my world!
My husband, Michael, is my rock. Hes my love, my life and my best friend. This January we will be together for 7 years and this June will be married for 3 years. He is an amazing father and works his butt of for all of us. He owns his own construction company and I couldnt be more proud of him. He works day and night for us! What I love most about our relationship is that we are friends first. We have only been together for 7 years but I feel like its been so much longer. Yes of course we have our ups and down and highs and low but who doesnt! What makes our relationship so strong is that we work through those rough times and come out in the end!
As I said before Im a baker. I found a great passion in baking and everything involved in it! I love looking through recipes and seeing whats involved in making something taste so unbelieveably amazing. Then putting all the ingredients together and seeing this masterpiece come to life and then to taste it..yupp I was hooked. And then you bring this masterpiece you baked to a party or a gathering and people just ooh and ahh over what you have made..its something I will never get old! To see their smiles and compliment you on how amazing it taste and how pretty it looks really gave me a great sence of being :)  I remember my first time feeling that..I made these Peanut Butter-Chocolate Twist Cupcakes for Mothers Day two years ago. Brought them to my mother-in-laws house for a Mothers Day lunch and people just raved over them. They kept telling me I should sell my stuff, my step-sister brought some to her work and people were asking if I had business cards..everyone just went nuts over them so I was hooked from then on. Found recipes for cupcakes, cakes, pastries, cookies and just went nuts baking and I havent stopped since. But theres also a plus side to all of this...I absolutely, 100% LOVE baking! It has truly become my passion and I dont see myself giving it up anytime soon!
Ive made a name for myself called Mommy's Sweets. And my motto for my aspiring company is 100% Homemade! I dont use boxed, canned, package nothing! Everything I put into my cakes, cupcakes, sweet and treats is the real deal people! I put blood, sweat and tears (well not litterally because I dont think that would taste too good haha) into my work and I will stand by everything I make.
So follow me on this journey of making my dreams come true, rasing my beautiful family and living the best life I know how!
<3 xoxo